We are an online company specializing in outdoor gear at Falour, committed to providing high-quality equipment with a special focus on tactical pants designed for durability and performance. Our mission is to offer products that combine rugged functionality, comfort, and style, so you can tackle any adventure with confidence.
We understand the importance of reliable gear in outdoor activities, which is why we carefully select materials and work with skilled manufacturers to ensure our tactical pants meet the highest standards. Each pair is meticulously designed and tested to withstand the toughest conditions.
Our vision goes beyond simply selling tactical pants; we aim to enhance your outdoor experiences and support a lifestyle of exploration and adventure. By offering expertly crafted pants and other outdoor gear, we strive to help you navigate the great outdoors with ease and confidence.
At Falour, we are dedicated to excellence in every product we offer. Join us in discovering the perfect blend of quality and performance, and step into a world where your outdoor gear supports every step of your journey.
Email: service@falour.us
Tel: +1 425 654 1353
Contact Address: 142 92nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11209, United States
Business Hours:
- Mon - Sat : 9am - 10pm (EST)
- Sunday: 10am - 5pm (EST)